Tuesday, 6 May 2014

#yelpFitClubYEG - SEGWAY

Sometimes I hear about fun events in the city!  These ones seem pretty cool!

Yelp Edmonton has created a yelp Fitness club (#YelpFitClubYEG) to get their members outside/try some new activities in the city.  Normally all the cool stuff is reserved for the yelp Elite (people who are a power force in the community & review a lot) but this time it's open to all members!

Yesterday was Segway'ing through River Valley Adventure Company.  If you haven't heard of this place before, it's located in the River Valley almost directly below the Shaw Conference Center (right across from the Edmonton Queen Riverboat).  Normally the tours are around an hour and the guides will take you all over the valley, but we just had a little intro (around 15 minutes).  We learned how to go forwards, back and turn on the segways, and feel what it's like to go SUPER FAST!  And by that I mean 10kms an hour, hehe.

While we waited for our turn there were two groups ahead of mine, and all came in raving and saying good things about their experience.  My group of six had a blast-giggling and laughing while riding these fun little Segways :)

Yelp is a great website to learn about new, awesome companies in and around the city, and where to go when you want to try something or somewhere new for whatever you're into.  There's no charge to join!  I've been a yelper since 2010 but have only just started reviewing this year, though been lucky enough to have friends invite me to various yelp elite events before.  And man, I've realized what an awesome online community Edmonton has!  Looking forward to meeting more yelpers at these next few events!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Day 7 - random surprises in books!

Before my trip to Mexico last November, I had asked my Facebook friends for nook recommendations. The answers were all the same; orange is the new black and Gone Girl. I couldn't decide what I'd feel like reading on the beach so I bough both online. 

Shamefully, I tell you that I only opened up Gone Girl two nights ago. 

I've spent today reading and relaxing while my puppy sleeps before Easter dinner. As I flip the page I see this!

Gotta love little surprises hidden in books :)

Day 6 - nights out with friends

Last night a few friends and I had the chance to have a solid visit, catch up and get to know one another's significant others.  

Great times.  And after this photo was taken we got seated at a table where we could actually visit!  

One other thing, what the heck am I looking at? 

Friday, 18 April 2014

Lazy dayz

It's been a Netflix documentary kinda day today.  So really, not a whole lot going on today. 

This evening I'll relax and enjoy a glass of red wine... And watch more documentaries, ha!

Thursday, 17 April 2014


Saw a bunch of cop cars with their lights flashing coming down the road followed by two tanks!  How often do you get to see that on your commute home? 

From seeing other people's posts on social media the parade went westbound on jasper and then eastbound on 104th. Anyone know why?

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Let's try this again....

KSo I'm pretty forgetful when it comes
To be taking photos. This SHOULD be day6 but since I forgot we're starting over at day 3. 

It's not like I haven't had good things to photograph - Thai food with close friends, sushi with another awesome friend, getting productive with house cleaning, afternoon spent do'ing my hair with my wicked stylist. Relaxing massage after a long day at work... I just forgot. 
So to get the ball rolling we have super snugly java. He won't leave my side tonight :)

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Edmonton Motor Show

Dad loves car shows and in the past few years My brother and I will join him at various events around the city. 

I love seeing the vintage cars and hearing dads stories about which ones he had, which ones were my aunt's boyfriends, and which ones had been written off by them and their friends. The Edmonton motor show was in town this weekend so I met up with Ian and dad to take a look at some sweet rides!  
This time, I even picked out my next vehicle- a cute little BMW! 

I can hear Matt shuddering with the thought of me calling this car cute!

The show runs until 6pm today at Northlands. Tickets are $15 at the door and I encourage you to check it out!

Friday, 11 April 2014

100 Happy Days

When I first saw the idea on the web about 100 Happy Days I was immediately interested!  But, I was hesitant. Not sure why, though after the mail I received today I figure I'd start! 

Day 1: New Purse!
I love Kate Spade. And I love new purses!  Needless to say when I finally received my birthday present I was stoked!  Jodi, Ian and my sibling in laws did a great job, dontcha think??

#100happydays #day1

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Migraineville. Population: Me

I had such a great plan for this weekend!  Matt was out of town, I was house sitting for my parents, my brother and sister in law were away in Vegas - this was going to be a 'get shit-done' kind of weekend! Plans included washing all of my comforters and duvets using mom and dad's oversize washer.  Sunday I was going home so it was going to be a grocery shopping day/weekly meal planning day and laundry, oh SO MUCH laundry day.  I wanted to have everything fresh and start this new week on the right foot.

Until, Friday after work came.  I had been feeling a little off all day and brushed it off because it was a really long week filled with meetings, training, and stressful situations.  Since nothing was going on that evening, I was planning to take it easy (spring cleaning could start Saturday) and go to bed at a reasonable time.

EXCEPT, I couldn't sleep.  Too much on my mind, my body was sore from god knows what, and I've been stressed out which means my mind wanders.  Java was up a few times in the night too, so low and behold, no sleep for Lisa.  Saturday morning I could barely get out of bed, and I finally did only because I had promised a Kijiji buyer I'd meet her in the am as she was buying my textbook. As I came home my stomach was all over the place.  My head started hurting so badly that I couldn't make it out of bed.  Took some headache medication and went to bed.  Then again, tossed and turned all week.  Finally at 4:30 I got out of bed to take more medication. I've tried having an Epsom salt bath, Advil, drinking water, drinking caffeine, more sleep, though nothing is kicking this headache.  Around 6 pm tonight, when I took Java out, I finally felt I could get up without the nauseous feeling anymore.

 So, today, no spring cleaning has gotten done.  My weekend fell to the mercy of one hell of a wicked headache.  I'm frustrated and grumpy about it, but I guess it's my body telling me I need to slow down.

What do you do when your headaches get so bad? What natural/non natural remedies help you? If you get them often, what do you do to mitigate these damn things?

Monday, 17 February 2014

UPDATE - I'm Almost Thirty!

In one week I turn thirty!  THIRTY!  Can you believe it?
This past year I've really thought about this list and tried to figure out how to accomplish everything.  What I've realized is that some of these goals were a lot more challenging and time consuming than others.  So here's the update of what I've accomplished, and what I still have yet to do - though looking at the list my thirties should be a ton of fun :)

Host a big dinner party for friends and prepare the meal myself  My brother and I made Thanksgiving dinner!  I'd like to do another big dinner though 
Make my own wine
Learn how to bbq steaks without overcooking - this I practiced, and I think I'm getting pretty close!
Take a cooking class
Make recipes out of all the cookbooks I’ve never cooked out of - instead of doing this one, I've been utilizing Pinterest a lot!  I've made pretty much everything I've pinned too!

Run a 10K - BAM - did this in Anaheim in January - ran the Tinkerbell 10k through disneyland and had an amazing time!
Complete a ½ marathon - I'm registered for the Seawheeze Half this summer!
Certified YTT 200 hrs completed
Get yoga photos taken of me somewhere tropical
Get my rock hard abs back ;)

Visit at least 3 new cities - I went to Mexico this past November and visited Talum, Playa del Carmen and Puerto Mueralos, I went to LA/Anaheim/Huntington Beach - ok so I've visited LA/Anaheim before but I was 10, so I don't really remember, and I also went to Gimli, Manitoba
Go to at least one new country
See at least 2 NHL hockey games in 2 different cities I have not seen games in (so far I've only seen games in Vancouver and Edmonton)  Went to an Anaheim Ducks game in January
Take a trip with just my girlfriends
Go on a hiking trip that lasts longer than a day
Go zip lining - this was completed in Mexico!
Ride in a hot air balloon – dad and I have our tickets purchased, we just need a morning where it’s not so windy
Go on a completely spontaneous road trip - Java and I decided to randomly go visit Courtney one day and I took him to Sylvan Lake.  Not far but it was spontaneous!
Appreciate and travel to local spots that people from all over the world travel to however we locals take advantage of (glaciers, Kananaskis, Drumheller, etc) - I had the opportunity to do a lot of this this past year, as I took some exchange students to a few lakes around  Edmonton as well as visited Drumheller with them!  I'm trying to do this more and more with every walk/weekend trip, etc.

Complete my CGA designation - just got my marks back and completed the program!  My application for membership has been completed and signed off by a commissioner of Oaths.  Now I just await my letter approving me as a member :)
Re-learn Spanish - I did practice this with my exchange student, though I've lost sooo much of it!  I really need to practice more
Take a photography class

Complete my “starry night” puzzle – I’m changing this one since I feel like I’ll never have the patience to complete it, and I’m making a t-shirt quilt instead
Get my nose pierced - done
Get another tattoo- My sister and I had an appointment this past summer that we had to cancel... this is still in the works!
Sponsor a child - I'm pretty sure I did this immediately after I wrote up the blog, and I'm still sponsoring Louisiana.
Be in love with someone who is worthy or be happy being single – not settled with the wrong person like I had been - This played over and over in my head every time I met someone new… probably the reason why I was single for so long.  However, 51 weeks ago I started communicating with the love of my life (we were set up and our mutual friend gave him my number) and 10 months ago I started dating him.   I'm crazy in love with him.
Decorate my house with photography of my travels and photographs that I took myself
Learn how to ride a scooter/motorcycle without crashing into a fence - I'm still terrified to drive a scooter
Make my corkboard out of wine corks from bottles I’ve drank/enjoyed with friends – I’m still collecting!